Telepathy and Love: The Spanish Apartment
Mothers, daughters, husbands, wives, lovers, colleagues, disciples, friends; telepathy most certainly works, but does it work best between people that are intimately connected? Telepathy and Love: The Spanish Apartment invites groups of artists in unique relationships to make work together exploring this question. The exhibition premieres this September in Barcelona then tours to West Space, Melbourne for its rebirth and re-imagining.
After showing in the Barcelona Apartment the show toured back to Australia for exhibition at West Space ·- 25 Nov 2011 – 17 Dec 2011 ·
Curated by Sean Peoples and Veronica Kent from The Telepathy Project featuring Ms&Mr, Anastasia Klose and Elizabeth Presa, A Constructed World and Luca Pucci, Lizzy Newman and Justin Clemens, Ross Coulter and Meredith Turnbull, Nicki Wynnychuk and Matthew Shannon, Anna Hess and Christelle Faucoulanche, Simon Pericich, and INRI Cristo and his disciples.